Trailer Tips: Replacing Your Trailer’s Vent Cover

One of the most damaged parts of your trailer (next to wear/tear on tires and brakes) is your roof vent cover. We have various types of roof vent covers in stock, and offer installations and tips.

How often should I replace my trailer vent cover?

While your entire trailer vent assembly may last a good while, your vent cover can only take so much wear and tear before needing to be replaced. In general, you should replace your vent cover every 3-5 years. Rain, sleet, snow all play a role in how long your vent cover will last. Even just general wear and tear from hauling your trailer will occur. The constant vibrating while on the road will cause wear and tear to your vent cover.

What are my options for vent cover replacement? How can NC Trailer Sales help?

We offer several replacement options, and can even do the work for you for a fee. Below you can see a few of the different options we carry.

If you prefer, our skilled service professionals can replace the vent cover for you.


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