5 Winter Trailer Storage Tips

As we move into cooler temperatures, remember to use these 5 tips on how to properly store your trailer for the winter.

Winter is coming and your expensive trailer could be in danger. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic but trailers are expensive and the elements can be harsh. Here are some of our top tips for protecting your investment in the winter.

1. Cover up!

Either store your trailer indoors or cover it up. Constant snow and rain can lead to rust and corrosion. If you want to keep your trailer rust-free, you should keep it out of the snow if possible.

2. Remove your batteries

If you’re using batteries of any sort, for your brakes or otherwise, we recommend taking them inside for the winter. Cold weather destroys battery life. If you want your batteries to last and don’t want to have to replace them in the spring, they need to be stored in a relatively warm place during the winter months.

3. Lubricate

While your trailer is in storage you want to keep all moving parts lubricated. Every week you should check all moving parts, lubricate them and rotate them. This will keep everything in tip-top shape for when you pull your trailer out of storage. Letting your trailer sit for the entire winter without any maintenance is not a good idea.

4. Jack your trailer up

Leaving your trailer sitting on your tires all winter, in the cold, is not good for your tires. Jack your trailer up in storage to give your tires a break from the wear and tear of supporting the weight of your trailer while not in use.

5. Pump up your tires

Your tires are going to lose air while sitting in storage, and you should pump them up every few weeks to maintain normal pressure levels. Winter weather is not good on tires, and the cold will change pressure levels in your tires. Definitely make sure to inflate to normal levels anytime you plan on using your trailer in the winter months to be safe.

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